Rachelle McCray may be known as a national television host and former Miss Arizona who dedicated her year to working with the National Kidney Foundation of Arizona. But something deeply personal to her and her family is taking center stage - for the second time. In 2009, Rachelle's mom became one of the 110,000 people waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant, and like so many, her need for the gift of life grows greater each day. Now, McCray is hoping to be a champion for those awaiting such a gift with a cute little teddy bear and her friends - who are on a mission to help save lives.
"My family suffers from a rare kidney disease, called Alport Syndrome," says Rachelle McCray who is an Arizona native. "This disease often results in kidney failure, depending on the genetic predisposition, and many patients need a kidney transplant to live. My mom is currently in stage 5 renal failure and looking for her perfect kidney mathc. We realized that many people like my mom, need their perfect mathc, so my husband and I decided to start a foundation that will help not only my mom, but others like her."
In 2020, the couple created the MinMinBear Foundation, a 501(c)3 based in Arizona. The mission at the... CONTINUE READING